Home > Social Design, Social Web > Defining Requirements for Social Web Applications – Part 4: Defining Core User Actions

Defining Requirements for Social Web Applications – Part 4: Defining Core User Actions

This is the 4th post in a series on Defining Requirements for Social Web Applications. As with the other posts in this series, the content is largely borrowed from Joshua Porter’s book Designing for the Social Web. Porter’s book is a gem, and if the topic of social web design is of interest to you, I highly recommend you pick up a copy.

This post will be a bit longer than most, but hang in there, it contains some great content (hopefully!).

Click on the following links to access previous posts in this series:

Define your Core Feature Set

According to Porter:

After identifying the primary activity and the objects people interact with, you’re ready to start creating your core feature set. Your core feature set is the set of possible actions that people can do in your application. They define what activity goes on, the possible interactions between people, what can and – sometimes just as importantly – cannot occur. Choosing features is one of the most important steps in defining what a web site is going to be.

Finding your Verbs

How do you define the “core features” of your application? Start with your objects, your nouns. Observe all the actions people do with/perform on those objects, and those are possible features for your application.

Jyri Engestrom calls this step “finding your verbs”. Given a noun, what actions are associated? The answer is a set of verbs.

Porter provides the following examples of finding verbs:

Finding your Verbs

Many of these verbs, says Porter, will translate directly into features. If you’re building a video site, for example, you’ll likely have features to upload a video, play the video, and share the video. This simple step is where the most valuable features come from.

Porter also points out that the verbs and both personal and social. This is to be expected, as we interact with objects on both a personal level and a social level.

Porter illustrates the key social objects and verbs displayed on a YouTube page:

YouTube Social Objects and Verbs

Collections of Objects as Features

Pay attention to any collections of objects, advises Porter. They can often become valuable features. Take lists for example. Quoting Porter:

One important collection is lists. Are people making lists? What of? How are they organizing and managing information?

Here are some common common ways that people collect things:

  • Wish lists
  • Shopping carts
  • Favorites
  • Shared items
  • My stuff (restaurants, reviews, bookmarks, etc.)
  • Friend’s stuff
  • Projects

Once you have an idea of the collections that people make, give them ways to manage the collection. Again quoting Porter:

What actions (verbs) do they perform on the collection? This will probably mean providing people with ways to add, edit, and delete items from the collection, and perhaps even treating the collection as an object itself, with features such as sharing and a permalink.

Case Study: Amazon’s Social Features

Porter next explores the social features on Amazon’s website in the context of his AOF method. Take note of the tremendous number of social features on Amazon’s site to help make shopping easier (sorry if the visuals are a bit blurry, you should still get the idea):

Amazon's Social Features

Amazon's Social Features 2

Amazon's Social Features 3

Note that we can see most of the actions support the most important object, products. Amazon has focused most of their time and energy there. But they have also identified other important objects central to the activity of shopping, and include features to support those.

Prioritize your Features

Porter doesn’t mention this in his book, but it’s important to prioritize your features, particularly if you are doing agile-style development, and plan to deploy your features incrementally. Not all features will be equally important to your users. Identify which features are core to your application, and be sure to focus on getting those right first.

Up next …

Social Objects are great, and the key activites you perform on them will form the core of your application. But what motivates users to participate on social websites? What’s in it for them? The next post will explore the key topic of user motivation for participating on social websites.

Also in this series